The Sámi in Finnmark
Finnmark, the northernmost region of Norway, is home to the Sámi, an indigenous people with a rich culture and ancient traditions. The Sámi have a deep connection to the land and live in harmony with nature. Their culture revolves around reindeer herding, crafts, and unique music, such as the joik – a traditional form of singing. In Finnmark, you can discover traces of Sámi culture in villages, festivals, and everyday life.
Reindeer are an essential part of Finnmark’s landscape and Sámi culture. The Sámi have been herding reindeer for centuries, using them for meat, hides, and transportation. In Finnmark, you will often see reindeer, especially in summer when they roam freely across plains and along roads. The reindeer are not only vital to Sámi culture but also to the ecosystem of the High North.